Whether you are a brand new homeschooler, or have been at it for years, reading new books can offer new thoughts and insights to our lifestyle. For many families, homeschool changes over the years as preferences, ages, and needs change. Finding new homeschool books for mom to read are a great way to help us gain new understanding and stretch us into new ways of learning.
7 years ago, when we officially began our homeschool journey, I was completely lost. My oldest son has just completed one year of TK in a public school where he sat alongside the Kindergarten class. As terrified as I was to homeschool, I figured that since he had basically already completed Kindergarten, I couldn’t possibly screw this up. And so in we dove, with me biting my lip the whole way.
If I knew then what I know now… I’d have told that young mom to rest in knowing that not only would everything turn out just fine, but that we really didn’t even have to be doing anything school related at all just yet. Looking back, I wish I had been given these books to read. I didn’t even know that there were books on homeschooling that would encourage new moms. Actually, I didn’t know any homeschool moms, either. My initial introduction to homeschool was a rocky one, and I felt horribly unprepared.

It was a couple years later when I discovered homeschool styles, and this was the turning point in our homeschool journey. As I learned that there was more to homeschool than replicating school at home, I learned that there were tons of communities out there filled with experienced, joyful moms just waiting to impart their wisdom. How happy I was when I began to discover the works of women like Pam Barnhill, and Sarah Mackenzie, and found lots of facebook groups of like minded women. I was even more thrilled when I got to MEET Sarah and Pam in person and ask their advice at a homeschool convention. Gah! It was like meeting a celebrity, except one who is completely down to earth, loving, and actually WANTS to spend some time with you and talk you through new ideas. It turns out that homeschool moms are really just the coolest.
Anyway, as we continued along in our home education journey, I slowly began to find that there were tons of homeschool books for mom that were encouraging and informative. I’d be lying if I told you that I’ve read them all – actually the longer I homeschool the longer my wish-list grows. But of all the books I have read so far, these have hands down been my favourites. They have not just helped our homeschool, but they’ve helped shape our entire lifestyle. They’ve led us to a place where we’ve made more time for adventuring together, spending more time outdoors, and less time inside gathered for “school”. I know that no matter where you are in your journey, these books will be life giving and encouraging to you, too.
5 Homeschool Books for Mom
The Unhurried Homeschooler by Durenda Wilson
This delightfully short book is written by a homeschool veteran of 8 children and over 20 years of experience. Durenda draws on her wisdom as a steady and experienced Christian mother to share with us through this book. She also shares a look into what homeschooling looked like for her family through different ages. A work of encouragement, The Unhurried Homeschooler will help you feel equipped to home educate your child(ren) and trust your instincts. You can grab your copy here.
Minimalist Homeschooling by Zara Fagen
This was just the book I was looking for when I decided it was time to declutter and refocus our homeschool. There is an entire lifetime worth of great information to learn and ideas to explore, but what holds the most value in your family? This book will help you decide what is important, how to organize it, and let go of what isn’t serving you right now. Zara also includes a series of questions to help you narrow down your values. Pick up your copy of Minimalist Homeschooling here.
Free To Learn by Peter Gray
Have you ever wondered how children learn best? This book dives into some concepts that might feel far out there for today’s society, but that when applied can open up a whole new way of educating children. Popular in Unschooling communities, Free To Learn illuminates a world where real life circumstances and pursuing interests are what best prepare children for adulthood. Whether you are an Unschooler or far from it, this book isn’t one to be missed. Grab your copy here.
The Call of the Wild + Free by Ainsley Arment
This is the all around best book for new homeschoolers. But even as a veteran homeschooler, I gleaned a lot from this book. Diving into all the styles of homeschool and ways to educate, Ainsley helps readers identify what might work best for them in their home education. Basically a guide book and answer to all things homeschool, from reclaiming childhood to objections to homeschool, this book will help you get started and help you keep homeschool joyful. Pick up your copy here.
Teaching From Rest by Sarah Mackenzie
This is the book that every homeschool mother should read over, and over, and over again. It is, afterall, “a homeschooler’s guide to unshakable peace”. Who wouldn’t want that! Sarah is so soft in word, and highly encouraging. This book doesn’t dance around the hard work that home educating takes, but sheds light onto the beauty of our work. Helping you to find peace and joy in who you are and what you do, this book will be one to read each and every year. Grab your cop of Teaching From Rest here.
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