Camping With Your Kids – Yes You Can!
Why We Took up Camping
Exactly 5 years ago we took up camping as a family. I had actually surprised my husband and 4 kids (at the time… #5 was still baking) with camping gear for Christmas as a declaration that we were going to be outdoorsy now.
The truth is I was sick and tired of our life. My husband and I had recently (reluctantly) gotten smartphones and now it felt like we were on them all the time. Tim was stuck in a job with the Navy that was wearing him thin and as a result our marriage was suffering. I was exhausted from raising 4 boys and being pregnant with our 5th. We almost never had date nights, I didn’t get time alone (except to grocery shop), or really any breaks at all. Heck, I even only got haircuts about once a year. That was a real treat! And at that point I was 9 years into growing little humans with my body, unceasingly pregnant and/or breastfeeding and it was taking both a physical and emotional toll. I had already had one emotional breakdown about 2 years prior and had no intentions of going down that road again.
It was time for a change

We booked a tent site at a local campground, packed up the kids and what little gear we had and headed out for the weekend. We chose a spot only 40 minutes from home, and close to a grocery store in case of emergencies. And you know what? That first trip was wonderful. We had our tent and bedding, and that’s about it. We packed up our two beach chairs (the kids sat in the dirt) and a cooler full of food and drove off hoping for the best. I don’t even remember how we heated up water for coffee. I think maybe we brought a kitchen pot to use over the campfire.
But you know what? We had SUCH a good time. And we learned a LOT! In fact, we had so much fun that we decided to invest in more gear and book a few more trips for that summer.
How to Start Camping with Kids
Camping with children can be daunting, especially if you’ve never been camping before. But you CAN do it, and you absolutely should go for it. Camping with your children can be a huge blessing for your whole family and is hands down worth the effort. So to get you started…
Here’s a few tips:
–Test the waters. Borrow gear or buy used. And start with the bare basics.
–Go with friends. Camping with a friend is always more fun. Plus you can share some meals and gear.
–Keep it familiar. Kids will feel more comfortable away from home with some of their usual comforts. Consider bringing their usual pillow or stuffy.
–Keep em cozy. Make sure you’ve packed appropriately for the weather. Bring extra blankets for night time, or make a battery operated fan if it will be hot. Also consider a spare change of clothes.
–Treats. Our kids know there’s always a special treat on camping trips. S’mores (of course) but they usually also get a cold drink like a juice for Izze.
Just Go

Taking the leap into camping was one of the best things we ever did for our family, and I’m sure it will bless yours as well. Camping as a family is a great way to grow and nurture relationships. Even if your children are too young to remember the experience it will still give YOU lovely memories and will instill a more intentional and beautiful way of life into your little ones. Camping is a way to slow down and show your children that it’s healthy to relax and have fun. Spending time outside, under the stars in the fresh air is refreshing for both the mind and the body. And connecting with nature helps grow our appreciation for our Creator and His creation.
So grab a guitar and some good campfire stories. Don’t forget the marshmallows and smores sticks. Pack up the family, and go. Go and enjoy.